lundi 4 juillet 2011

A week-end walking around

Sixth day

I decided to visit the city randomly! So I took a bus I did not know and I stopped somewhere I did not know to start walking on the street without any destination. It was really really cool to walk along the road, on little streets  absolutely not touristic, where I was passing through people staring at me, probably wondering if I were lost or not. I looked very confident walking even if I intended to get lost and actually I was, I didn't worry about anything, just enjoying this amazing feeling of freedom :) I walked 4 hours like that until I found a very typical market with many vegetables, spices, fruits, and noodles. So amazing, this market was so so interesting, I wanted to take a picture for you but they refused :( They did not like it maybe they thought I was going to make fun of them, indeed there were lots of flies on the food, especially on the hanging pieces of meats, people spiting on the floor next to the vegetables, honestly it was a bit disgusting at first but once you get used to it you don't want to leave, such an atypical moment! Finally I left and I decided to go to Wuhan University (the main university, indeed there are more than 30 universities in Wuhan and this one is just hu-ge!). Once I got there (thanks taxi! ), I got lost against in this really big campus and I visited! I found a lovely temple where students live and study at night now, how nice :) I passed through basketball courts where many guys were playing and I set down and watched them an hour, then I found people watching a movie in a court outside! It was really cool, an American movie in Chinese version! Funny! But I enjoyed the moment; it was really nice to stay with hundreds of Chinese students watching an American movie with Chinese voices: Again it's something rare and so on precious :) Here come the pictures!

Watermelons business :)

This kind of handcart is really common here

The seafood market

Welcome to Wuhan university

University again

The old temple in the campus

Wuhan university dormitories

Wuhan university river passing through the campus

Wanna watch a movie and practice some Chinese?

After I went to a party organized by a French colleague and it was in the countryside of Wuhan! With one of my colleague, we went there biking (Maria and Maike, you would have loved it!) and it took 1h30 minutes to get there! Amazing! Biking in the city at night (after 10pm), crossing the streets, avoiding people, motos, cars, bikes, discovering Wuhan at night (much more nicer!!!) and then going to the countryside, feeling so free...Gosh, what an amazing experience! Finally we arrived at the party, in a small and typical Chinese house in the middle of a lake that you could reach only via a wooden bridge. Stars shining in the sky, warm weather, what else? Amazing! :) We stayed there few hours and we went back biking (of course ^^ ) and it took only one hour this time (roads were not crowded anymore!) . Awesome moment... :)


I slept at my friend's place this night and on Sunday we went to the Church! To the English Catholic Church of Wuhan! Such an interesting experience again! My colleague is a leader priest and she invited me to join them at the mass because it's full of people from all over the world and she thought I would be interested in! Of course I am! So I went to the Church, in Wuhan! You have many many Indian and even African people in Wuhan!! It surprised me a lot, don't ask me why but there are some, definitely! From Togo, Senegal, Malawi, Cameroun, Mali, etc! Apparently Chinese is becoming more and more "famous" there and people learn it with English and French to do business! So all these people are here to study because their universities back home have a partnership with those in Wuhan! So interesting, I hope to meet them soon. They must have so so many things to share... I'll tell you more about them :)  On our way, my friend showed me the city (she lives here for 10 months now) and I took more pictures :)

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